Keep trying

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Found this beautiful and honest article today. It really touches my heart.

It's about human-human interaction in post AGI world. However, the impact and implication is way more than communication. The same set of concerns applies to every single human endeavor.

What kind of suffering would still exist post AGI?
What kind of suffering would I choose to take?

My hunch is these questions are in the same league as "all my problems would be solved if I have 1 billion dollars." One thing for sure, AI may be an effective personalized filter, but it can't experience the world for me. Keep trying. Taste the flavor of the world.

The rule of game is changing so fast. The author did offer one good advice:

It may be true, the end of human to human interaction, given AI as the ultimate mediator to outside world.

<hold tight to loved ones>

It would be so sad that one day my daughter says "why would I talk to you? ChatGPT is more decent, knowledgable and always there for me, you are always busy, always have more important things to do."

</hold tight to loved ones>